project estimation cost
March 14, 2021

How to Validate a Mobile or Web App Estimation Cost You Get

Cost estimation for a mobile app is the first step in the development process. App development cost depends on various factors, and we will discuss them later on in this blog post. However, a rough estimate of app development cost, according to Goodfirm, stands at $40,000 for an app with less functionality. Moreover, the costs can reach up to $100,000 if your app is feature-rich.

Cost of Mobile App Development and Its Validation

According to, the cost of mobile app development can range from $5000 to $10,000. However, this is a rough estimate, and the development cost goes far beyond this range. Here are several factors that influence the cost of mobile app development. These factors don’t have a fixed rate, and different web and mobile development companies will have their exclusive rates.

1. Hourly Rates and Location

The major contributor to the cost of mobile app development is the location of your development team and their per-hour rates. In the US, per hour rates can range from $100 to $150, whereas other countries have slightly lower rates. In the middle-east, the cost of mobile development is relatively cheaper. Moreover, since technology and documentation are universal, the differences in rates have no relation to work quality.

2. Features

Features are the pivoting point for the cost of mobile app development. The more feature-rich your app idea is, the costlier it will be. The difference in the cost of a minimal and feature-rich app is of the hours involved and the task’s complexity. Paying extra for useful features in your app is the right decision because if you cut down your app’s primary attributes, it would defeat its purpose.

3. Technologies

There are plenty of ways to develop a robust mobile app; however, technological advancements play a significant role in fluctuating development costs. However, app owners can reduce the time and cost involved in development thanks to Flutter open source development. Flutter is a unique development platform by Google that allows developers to create an Android and IOS app on a single base code, mitigating the requirements to use different tools for each operating system.

4. Design

App designs are responsible for consuming 20% of your development cost. The best way to mitigate this expense is to have a pre-defined layout in mind and work head-way to finalize your app designs. This strategy will reduce the per-hour cost and save hundreds of dollars.

5. App Maintenance

Finally, maintenance is crucial once your app has launched. Mobile app maintenance includes the following services:

  • Bugfix
  • Operating system updates
  • Library and framework tool update

There is no substitute for this cost, and it has to be paid without reducing any of the included services in app maintenance.

The Bottom Line

App development might be costly, but working with a competent development partner can ensure maximum revenue from your idea. Teqnovos has worked with multiple global clients at affordable rates. You can reach out to us by clicking here or check out our portfolio for more information.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.