mobile security
March 12, 2021

Mobile Security Testing – Take the First Step!

A responsible mobile app development service scrutinizes their mobile app’s security to ensure it can’t be compromised. However, mobile app security testing is easier said than done. In this blog post, we have shared the steps to test your mobile app security and verify that it’s safe from hacking attempts.

Steps For Testing Your Mobile App Security

Step 1: Set Goals For Your Security Audit

Security audits are vast and multi-dimensional. Therefore, you need to define what areas you plan to cover, what you expect to find, and rectify. Making a list of priority security areas will help you stick to a strategic plan. High-priority security areas in your audit can include:

  • App permissions
  • Configurations
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Session and cookies
  • Data storage

Step 2: Analyzing Threat and Modeling

Analyzing the threats your app might be vulnerable to is an excellent way to begin your security audit. The key to successfully testing your mobile app’s security is to be a pessimist and think like a hacker. Draw out areas of opportunities a hacker might exploit. Once you have figured them out, start encrypting those areas, and tighten the code structure. There are 4 components of threat analysis and modeling, and these are the most vulnerable spots in your app. Make sure everything is up to date in these components.

  • App architecture
  • App resources
  • Third-party interaction
  • Threat agents

Step 3: Exploitation

Threat analysis is only half of the work involved in mobile app security testing. However, by now, you have identified your app’s vulnerabilities, and you have something to work with. Now the only thing left is to evaluate the scope of these vulnerabilities. Figure out to what extent these vulnerable spots in your app can cause damage.

Step 4: Rectification

The preliminary steps were only tests to run down the vulnerable spots in your app and their criticalness. Rectification is the phase where you start fixing these problems. It’s crucial to start with the most pertaining problem at hand and then move to the less critical threats. This allows you to protect the widest gaps, utilize your maximum energy in high critical areas, and then continue fixing small problems like bugs and repetitive codes.

Final Verdict

Running security audits for your mobile apps is crucial for business success. Only a responsible web and mobile development company will undergo this excruciating process on behalf of their customers. Teqnovos is an ethically validated web and mobile development service with years of mobile app security testing experience. 68% of business leaders fear cybersecurity threats are increasing. Only a prudent mobile app development company like Tewqnovos can help you navigate through these waves of hacking attempts and phishing cases.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.