mobile apps on screen
January 28, 2021

5 App Categories Poised for Growth in a Post-COVID World

In many ways, the pandemic has prepared businesses to adjust to the dynamic nature of this world. Most businesses that relied heavily on their brick-and-mortar outlets have now transitioned to the digital landscape with the help of mobile and web development companies. However, most of them are facing difficulties in surviving. In contrast, many other businesses are seeing growth during these troubled times. While there is a shift in the business scales, mobile apps are truly reaping the benefit of long-awaited internet proliferation. This has led to an increase in mobile app development, and this will continue in the post-COVID world. Here are 5 app categories that will grow after the COVID-19.

1. Education Apps

Millions of students have transitioned to online education. Although the change has met with some serious issues, students are gradually adjusting to the new world. Once the change is complete, it won’t revert, thanks to a massive cut in electricity bills, admin services, and rent. The education sector doesn’t have any plans in place for returning to physical classes. Moreover, other educational apps are also planning to stay because the market has recognized their worth.

2. Ecommerce Apps

While the ecommerce industry was already booming, the pandemic has brought a new wave of online shopping enthusiasts into the market. This change in buying behaviors has increased the need for ecommerce web and mobile development. When the world finally gets rid of COVID-19, the realm of online shopping might continue to see growth. After all, once you are comfortable buying online, why would you go to a crowded grocery store?

3. Budgeting Apps

COVID-19 has taught us that saving money for rainy days is more important than buying a new pair of $300 shoes. This change in people’s mindset has increased the downloads for fintech apps, and people have adapted to digital billing and bookkeeping. When a market accepts an innovation, there is no way to make them quit.

4. Fitness Apps

Fitness enthusiasts cannot rest their muscles even for a day. Expecting them to stay locked up for months is out of the question. The raging demand for at-home fitness apps has increased mobile app development, and people are making use of newer and better fitness apps. It’s tough to say whether people will prefer to workout at home or the gym, but any sane person will rather not pay for what they can do for free.

5. Freelancing Apps

The ability to work from home has given us more time than we need, and people have been actively pursuing other means of generating money. Due to this development, the downloads for freelancing apps has increased, and people are willing to sell their skills. Now that the employees have realized their market worth, convincing them to quit freelancing after COVID-19 will be hard.

Best Mobile App Development Solution

If the increasing demand for different apps has influenced you, you need a creative web and mobile app development service. Teqnovos is an experienced product development studio where you can have your ideas come to life. We have a team of 200+ developers ready to embark on your project and deliver timely and sustainable results.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.