EdTech App Development
March 18, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to EdTech App Development

In the past few years, the education sector has grown tremendously, witnessing an unstoppable advancement in education technology (EdTech). As per a recent statistic, the EdTech market could reach $605 billion in value by the year 2027. This is a testament to how popular EdTech is in the modern market.

As the latest EdTech solutions continue to transform the education industry, you need to understand how valuable EdTech app development is. If you are an educator or want to enter the education sector, you need to know all about EdTech apps.

In this blog, we will talk all about education technologies, including what they are, why you need EdTech app development and more. So, let’s start your journey to EdTech application development now.

An Overview of EdTech Applications

EdTech applications are smart software solutions designed solely to revolutionize the education sector with the introduction of technologies. By leveraging modern EdTech apps, one can bridge the gap between learning and teaching while enhancing the overall quality of education.

Among the key reasons behind the growing popularity of EdTech applications is how innovative they are. By using these interactive learning tools, students have a more effective way to study according to their convenience instead of being limited to the traditional methods.

As a result, many educational institutes are going for EdTech app development to keep up with the latest trends. Depending on the type of education organization you run, you can also opt for education app development. Just make sure you hire a reliable education app development company for your project.

The Top 3 Benefits of Custom EdTech Apps

The merger between technology and education has opened doors for new opportunities. With educational resources available at a fingertip, students and educators can redefine learning like never before. Both teaching and learning will become faster, more effective, more accurate, and more personalized.

But before painting the bigger picture, you should learn about the basic benefits of EdTech applications. We have listed three major benefits of EdTech apps that you must know about. Go through these now.

1. Personalized Learning

It’s not always necessary that the same learning style will suit a bunch of students. Some might prefer fast lessons with fewer repetitions, whereas others might require frequent revisions. However, for an educator, teaching the same thing to a different bunch of students differently is not always the most feasible choice.

This is where EdTech apps come in. These applications make learning highly personalized for each individual by offering them lessons based on their requirements. Hence, as students learn at a pace that best suits them, they have a higher chance of grasping concepts easily.

2. Encourages Student Engagement

Traditional classroom teaching often misses the trick on student engagement, as more often than not, these classes become one-sided. As student engagement breaks, they start to lose interest in the subject, which is never preferred in any type of education. EdTech apps can help overcome this problem too.

Modern EdTech applications come with different creative features like Q&A, subject-based games, and social interactions that keep them hooked. Making learning more imaginative than boring through EdTech apps is the best way to have students show interest in different subjects.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions

Getting education software development services and building a custom app is not only time-saving but also cost-saving. For instance, since all the students, teachers, and even parents meet online, there is no need for a full-fledged infrastructure. Moreover, the app also reduces half of the administrative work.

Further, when you have a high-quality custom app, you can scale it easily with time as the number of students signing up grows. This hardly requires much money or a new team to set up. Lastly, since all the study resources here are digital, they will not be damaged with time.

A Step-Wise Guide to EdTech App Development

Now that you know what EdTech apps are and their benefits, let’s talk about how EdTech software development works. By learning about this process, you can overlook and even contribute to your EdTech app development project wisely.

Check out our five-step guide on how an EdTech app development process takes place. The sooner you learn about these, the faster you can build your EdTech application.

1. Idea Generation and Goal Setting

The first step to building an EdTech, or any application for that matter, is idea evaluation and goal setting. This involves comprehensive market research to understand what types of EdTech software are doing well and are in high demand. It will help you get ideas and set goals for the type of application you want to build. Make sure you give enough time to this step, as it is the foundation of successful app development.

2. Develop and Design the EdTech App

Once you know the type of app you want, your EdTech developers will start working on the app design and development. Make sure you work closely with the experts to ensure you build a user-friendly EdTech app with all the right features. It’s ideal if you hire EdTech app specialists from an education app development company to build your app professionally.

3. Testing and Debugging

As soon as the application is ready, step three comes into play, which is app testing and debugging. Conduct thorough unit tests to make sure that every component of the application is working as desired and has zero flaws or potential risks. Never launch your application until you are 100% satisfied with the testing process and that the app has no issues whatsoever.

4. App Deployment

After completing the given steps of an educational app development process, deploy your application. This involves launching the application on your chosen platform (Google Play Store, App Store, etc.) and having your target audience use the software. Make sure you closely monitor the workings of the app after its launch, as sometimes issues might arise even after rigorous testing before deployment.

5. Support and Maintenance

The final step to complete the EdTech app development process is post-development support and maintenance. Your EdTech app developers must check the application regularly to ensure it has no errors and to make updates as and when required. This is very crucial to make certain that the app is working well to meet the changing demands of its users.

Bottom Line

EdTech app development is no longer a choice but a necessity for educators. These EdTech applications have emerged as game-changers, opening doors to new possibilities in teaching and learning. Therefore, if you want to stay on top of the competitive marketplace, you need custom EdTech apps.

However, if you want a high-performance, robust, and reliable EdTech application, you must get the best education software development services. Fortunately for you, you don’t have to look for EdTech app developers anywhere else, as you can easily hire the experts at Teqnovos.

Teqnovos is a reputed education app development company with a team of highly skilled and experienced EdTech app developers. You can reach out to our team to discuss your project requirements, and we will share a free quote for the project. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our EdTech experts now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does EdTech mean?

EdTech is short for education technology and refers to advanced software applications that are built primarily for educational purposes. By using EdTech solutions in the classroom or otherwise, educators can free up their time to focus on important aspects of education. Using technology in the classroom is in high demand because of the digitalization of businesses across industries, including the education sector. Online courses are a prime example of EdTech being popularly used around us nowadays.

2. Why is EdTech important for students?

The growing number of EdTech applications every day is a testament to how important these apps are for students. These education applications are crucial to offering a convenient and innovative way of learning that students can personalize as well. Additionally, these mobile apps are available at the click of a button and have countless study resources for students to study from. Lastly, EdTech is important because it enhances student engagement through educational games, quizzes, etc. This, in turn, helps students learn even the most complex topics in a fun way.

3. How do I build a custom EdTech application?

Custom EdTech app development is a well-planned process that cannot be carried out by just anyone. So, to build a unique EdTech app for your business, you must hire highly skilled and experienced EdTech developers. But before that, make sure you know what type of education app you need and who your target audience is. This information is important to discuss as you look to hire suitable EdTech developers. After you hire EdTech developers from a reliable education app development company, they will design, develop, test, and get your app ready.

4. Where can I find the best EdTech app developers?

Do you want to hire the best EdTech app developers with suitable experience and in-depth knowledge in app development? Then hire developers from Teqnovos. We have a dedicated team of EdTech app developers who will understand your requirements and build your custom app exactly as your business demands. Teqnovos offers world-class EdTech software development services at competitive prices.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.