robust fitness app
January 15, 2021

A Robust Fitness App Designed with Perfection – BodyFrame

The Client

BodyFrame is an application that allows fitness trainers to manage their clients through their cell phones and create customized nutrition plans. With one mobile app, trainers can track their students and manage their fitness routine, diet, and training modules. An innovation like BodyFrame is necessary since the world is under lockdown ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started. The BodyFrame app allows trainees to login to their account, view their diet and exercise plans set by their trainer, and upload their progress pictures. All in all, it’s a one-stop solution for fitness enthusiasts to maintain their physique anytime, anywhere.

Project Brief

BodyFrame as a client was a challenge for mobile app development departments in Teqnovos. The client requested a robust application that had a minimalistic design with light colors so that the user can view it for longer periods. Since the app focused on fitness and training regime, the theme had to match with athleticism but color saturation levels needed to be low. Moreover, the client requests an intuitive user flow, meaning that the design department had their hands full with BodyFrame.

Problem Statement

“Create a unique design and intuitive user flow, which provide a seamless experience for all user roles and make usability a top priority.”

Project Journey

We kicked off this project by delivering 3-4 sample designs made on Adobe XD to the client for their approval. Out of these, the client picked what they liked and shared screenshots of their favorite elements. This way, our design department got a clear picture, and the project continued smoothly onwards. To make the user experience unforgettable, we used Native Swift and Kotlin. The main reason behind using native swift was to make the app future-proof, allow quick transitions, and reduce redundancy.
Moreover, Kotlin helped in writing safer codes and made the app as secure as possible. Kotlin is also entirely inoperable with Java, which boosted our productivity and made it possible to deliver results quickly.

The Result

After days of hard work and creative thinking, our design and development department built stronger relationships with the client, and Teqnovos became a well-recognized web and mobile app development company. The results came out better than what we anticipated, and the client loved the final look of the app. The initial wireframe made on Adobe XD was altered a bit according to the client’s requirements, and through swift communication, Bodyframe came into existence. Teqnovos takes pride in its team of web and mobile developers, and we aim to achieve even bigger milestones in the future.

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