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February 23, 2021

Flutter Pros & Cons for Mobile App Owners

Google’s 2019 update gave a lot of attention to Flutter web development. Simultaneously, Flutter is becoming increasingly popular among mobile app owners. If you can’t decide whether you should choose Flutter for mobile app development or not, this blog post will help you make the right decision.

What Is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI development kit released by Google in 2018. It’s a robust platform to create a fast and seamless user interface that matches most target audiences and app owners’ requirements. Flutter is remarkable in developing Android apps, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, and Google Fuchsia from a single code base. In short, Flutter is a Google SDK that allows developers to create visually appealing and fast mobile apps for both Android and IOS.

3 Pro’s of Flutter App Development for Mobile App Owners

From the perspective of a mobile app owner, Flutter can be beneficial in many ways. Benefits of using Flutter include faster mobile app development, reduced cost, and more room for experimentation. Here are three key reasons why Flutter is an excellent platform for mobile app development.

1. Hot Reload Feature

Most app developers tend to mitigate experimentation because it takes a lot of time to see their practice results. With Flutter’s hot reload feature, developers can make changes in the code and see the results in milliseconds. This allows a much greater room for experimentation, and app owners can see how their product is turning out every step of the way.

2. One App for IOS and Android

Most app owners see a decreased downloads increased uninstall rates because their app differs on IOS and Android. With Flutter, a developer works on one codebase, and the app becomes compatible on both platforms. This compatibility is made possible by Flutter’s own widgets and designs.

3. Designs Your Users Will Love

Flutter is a user-oriented platform, and app developers love the vast array of widgets available. Moreover, as an app owner, you can ask your mobile app development company for customized widgets for your app. This tremendous freedom in app development has made Flutter the number one choice for mobile app development.

2 Cons of Flutter

There are cons for every innovation; however, it depends on the mobile app owner whether these cons can shake their confidence in Flutter mobile app development.

1. Design Library Is Not as Rich as You’d Expect

While the content and widget library is enormous, there aren’t as many options as you’d expect. However, since Flutter is relatively new, there is hope for this mobile platform to catch up to its competitors. Moreover, the Flutter team actively works on new functionalities and answers queries from mobile app developers in real-time.

2. Continuous Integration Support

CI platforms like Travis or Jenkins do not fully support Flutter. So, mobile developers need to use and maintain custom scripts for testing building and deployment. This is time-consuming but comparatively less than the time you need on other development platforms.

Ending Note and Our Recommendation

Time and again, it has been seen that award-winning applications have been designed to deliver a beautiful user experience. Flutter is a fantastic tool to develop stunning mobile apps with seamless transitions. Moreover, it saves time and money for mobile app owners. If you’re looking for a web and mobile app development company that works on Flutter, look no further. Teqnovos is an outstanding app development house that will cater to your diverse requirement and deliver on time. Check out our portfolio, and see our case studies to see how we work.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.