Offshore Ecommerce Development Team
November 28, 2023

How to Offshore an eCommerce Development Team?

As per Forbes, the e-commerce market is expected to total over $8.1 trillion by 2026. This stat is more than enough to prove that the eCommerce industry has a big role to play in this new-age business landscape.

This is why eCommerce business leaders are leveraging the power of modern eCommerce solutions to take their business to the next level. However, to find yourself on top of this competitive marketplace, you need support from reliable and skilled eCommerce experts.

Therefore, you must offshore an eCommerce development team to build top-notch applications for your business. Here, we will shed light on why and how you can offshore your development team effectively. Go through it and build your team now.

5 Steps to Offshore an eCommerce Development Team

When it comes to offshoring your eCommerce development team, you will be spoiled for choices. There are many options available online for expert eCommerce app developers and development teams to choose from.

Thus, to make the process easier, we have listed the five proven steps that you must keep in mind. These will allow you to narrow down your search and find the best eCommerce offshore team to work with. Check out these steps below.

1. Define Your Requirements

Before you start looking for an ideal eCommerce development team for offshoring, you must have a clear understanding of what you want. You must define your requirements, set your budget, and have a clear goal in mind to make the right decision.

Further, you should know what skills you want from your hired development team or how experienced they should be. The more you define the project requirements for yourself, the easier it becomes to put forth your expectations and hire the best team.

You must spend enough time with your team discussing and identifying your short and long-term requirements before hiring an eCommerce development team.

2. Research the Best Offshore eCommerce Development Teams

Once you have carefully defined your project requirements, the next important step is to research the best offshore eCommerce teams. For this, you need to first find the countries with the best IT resources. After that, you can start looking for budget-friendly options online.

One of the most important factors that you must consider while shortlisting eCommerce development teams is experience. Try to find and hire eCommerce app developers or development teams who have ample experience along with advanced skills.

Apart from experience, you should also check previous client’s reviews and ask for their portfolios to get an idea of how they work.

3. Conduct One-on-One Interviews

As you look to offshore an eCommerce development team, you should not overlook the importance of evaluating the potential team’s technical proficiency. Be prepared to conduct one-on-one interviews with the team and assess the expertise of each team member.

You must evaluate the eCommerce development team’s capabilities according to the platform you are planning to build your online store. For example, if you want your store on Shopify, you should hire a team of experienced and qualified Shopify developers.

Before interviewing selected eCommerce development teams, you can prepare a questionnaire. These will include every important question you need to ask before hiring the team.

4. Consider Communication Strategies

Whether you hire an in-house or a remote e-commerce development team, either way, effective communication is of the utmost importance. However, when you offshore the team from a different country, maintaining strong communication becomes relatively trickier.

So, you must ensure that the team you decide to hire has good communication skills and follow the best strategies. Find an eCommerce development team with a great command over the English language to prevent language barriers leading to miscommunication.

Lastly, ask the team about the communication tools they use and what strategies they follow to ensure an uninterrupted and transparent flow of information.

5. Evaluate Technology Stack

Another important thing that you mustn’t forget when hiring an eCommerce development team is their technology stack. The performance and long-term success of your eCommerce app will depend on what tools and technologies were used to build it.

This is why when you offshore an eCommerce development team make certain that the team is well-versed in the latest eCommerce technologies. The more technically apt your hired eCommerce team is, the easier it becomes for you to build the best online store.

Some of the popular front-end frameworks for e-commerce development are CSS, HTML, Vue.js, etc. Whereas, Node.js and Laravel are used for back-end development.

Key Benefits of Offshoring Your eCommerce Development Team

There are many benefits of offshoring an eCommerce development team which is why several business owners are opting for it. Let us take a closer look at some of these benefits that you must know about.

1. Cost-Effective

The first and perhaps the greatest benefit of offshoring an eCommerce development team is how cost-effective it is. You can hire the best team for your e-store development from a country with lower labor costs and save significantly.

Not just this, offshoring a full-fledged development team also helps you reduce overall operational costs. Offshoring ensures that you don’t need to spend money on infrastructure, electricity, and other expenses associated with in-house hiring.

2. Enhanced Scalability

Scaling up or down your workforce is not easy when you hire an in-house eCommerce development team. But if you decide to offshore your team, you can easily scale your development team as per your business demands.

In simple terms, it means that you can hire or let go of your eCommerce development team based on their requirements. This flexible hiring option lets you save money and adapt to fast-growing marketing changes.

3. Larger Pool of Talent

Another great benefit of offshoring your eCommerce development team is the fact that your search for the best developers is not geographically confined. You can tap into a vast pool of talent across the globe and hire the most suitable offshore team for your project.

Offshoring lets you tackle the rising shortage of IT talent and find the best development with highly skilled professionals. Offshoring is the ideal way for you to put together your eCommerce development team quickly without compromising on the developer’s quality and the final results.

4. Focus on Core Business Activities

Collaborating with an offshore eCommerce development team gives you more time in hand to focus on other important business activities. This is possible because once you hand over your project to these experts, they will take care of everything for you.

However, you must look to offshore an eCommerce development team from a reputed provider. Doing so will ensure that the hired team can get the job done with minimal demands from you, giving you enough time to work on other areas of your business.

To Sum It Up

eCommerce enterprises around the world are looking to offshore their eCommerce development teams regardless of their industry niche. This growing popularity for offshoring is a result of the extensive benefits it offers such as cost reduction, expert hiring, and higher scalability.

But when you search for the best eCommerce development team to offshore, the number of options available might be overwhelming. Hence, you must take a systematic approach like checking portfolios, knowing your needs, etc. to successfully hire the best team.

If you are ready to offshore an eCommerce development team, you can hire the most reliable team at Teqnovos. We have a team of experienced and skilled eCommerce app developers who will help you bring your project ideas to life. Reach out to us for an initial consultation now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an offshore development team?

An offshore development team is a group of IT professionals located in a faraway country from its employers. This team is hired based on their knowledge and skill sets to work remotely with a company on their software development projects. Offshoring a development team lets people save money in the long run and hire the best talent from across the globe.

2. How do I offshore an eCommerce development team?

It can be quite challenging to offshore an eCommerce development team if you don’t follow a strategic approach. To offshore the best eCommerce development team, you need to follow a series of strategically created steps. These steps include knowing your requirements, shortlisting top development teams, assessing each candidate carefully, and hiring the right team eventually.

3. Why should I offshore my development team?

Offshoring your development team will benefit your business in more ways than one. First of all, since you will be hiring remote developers, you could significantly cut down operational costs like infrastructure, electricity, etc. Further, you could hire the best IT team based on your project from anywhere in the world which can be difficult with in-house hiring. Lastly, when you choose offshoring you get to hire and let go of the remote team as you want based on their requirement.

4. What does an eCommerce developer do?

An eCommerce developer is an IT expert who specializes in eCommerce development. These professionals are qualified to handle all sorts of tasks related to e-store development. They can handle technical issues like performance, security, etc., and more. When you hire eCommerce app developers they will work closely with you to ensure that they build a custom online store that meets your expectations.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.