secure your mobile ecommerce app
March 15, 2021

How to Secure Your Mobile Commerce App | Guide for App Owners

M-commerce is garnering traction as more and more users are inclined to buy online instead of visiting a physical store. However, this change in user preference has resorted to M-commerce websites to strengthen their security from malicious attacks and cybercrime.

Whether it’s data leakage or tempered online transactions, every security breach can potentially cause the user to stop using your M-commerce app. In this blog post, we have shared 4 ways to protect your M-commerce apps from hackers and secure their data from being stolen.

4 Ways to Secure Your M-Commerce App

Zooming in and securing your app’s most exposed areas is the best way to strengthen its security. Here are a few ways you can tighten your app security without interfering with its user experience.

1.Increase Refresh Rate

By replacing an access token with a refresh token, mobile app developers can shorten an active session without disrupting the user experience. Refresh tokens have longer validity than access tokens, and even if a hacker obtains an access token, it will soon be useless due to the refresh rate.

2.Transport Layer Security

Data is the new gold in the digital age, and hackers are actively involved in stealing valuable information. The best way to secure your app is through transport layer security which is end-to-end encryption. It protects the buyer and seller’s communication, even if through an unsecured Wi-Fi network.

3.Mobile App Certification

Although TLS is end-to-end encryption, it cannot prevent Man in The Middle (MITM) attacks. When hackers attempt to overtake an M-commerce mobile app, they penetrate through the server and act as a middle man. However, robust mobile app certifications can prevent hackers from entering through the back door and tighten your mobile app security.

4.Biometric Security

Most bank apps use biometric security to add an extra layer of protection to their app and their customer’s account details. It’s high time M-commerce apps started leveraging this technology because users tend to store their credit card information which a hacker might steal.

Concluding Thoughts

Securing your M-commerce app has become essential due to the rise in global eCommerce activity. The points mentioned above can tighten your app security and prevent malicious cybercrime attempts. Teqnovos has a prudent web and mobile app development team which can secure your M-commerce app through the latest technology and tools. Check out our portfolio to learn about the projects we have accomplished, or click here to contact us now!

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