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March 13, 2021

How to Write User Stories and Why They are Crucial for Successful App & Software Development

App owners often run into difficulties when communicating their app ideas to their mobile and web development companies. This confusion results in multiple revisions and becomes costly for the app publisher. The best way to communicate your app idea to your developer is through user stories. In this blog post, we will explain “what is a user story” and why it is important.

What Is a User Story?

A user story is a short and straightforward communication bridge between a mobile app owner and a developer. A user story explains the app’s idea, functions, and importance for the end-user. These stories are usually written with the end-user in mind; therefore, they focus on 3 main points:

1. As a/an
2. I want to…
3. So that…

For example,

As a/anI want toSo that
ManagerMonitor my team’s performanceI can gauge their strengths and weaknesses and assign them tasks accordingly.

These short stories summarize the entire purpose of an app and educate the developer on how to continue the project. While the above-mentioned example might seem simple, writing a user story is a lot detailed when explaining its app features.

Why User Stories Are Important For Successful Apps and Software?

A user story details its users’ needs and prevents the project from falling apart. The benefits of writing a user story illustrated below will help you understand its importance for web and mobile development.

1. Creates Sub-goals

Web and mobile app development is a complicated process made simple through user stories. These short briefs about the app break your main goals into sub-goals and help developers streamline your project. When each sub-goal in the user story is addressed, the app shapes up to match the app owner’s and users’ requirements.

2. Sense of Purpose

User stories are a way to boost your development team’s motivation by giving them a sense of purpose. By explaining app features through user stories, the development team understands each app attribute’s importance regardless of its complexity.

3. Saves Time and Money

User stories jot down every detail and attribute of the app in one place, which everyone can quickly understand. When app ideas are accumulated, the client and the developer can know what they want to achieve from a particular project. This mutual communication mitigates chances of revisions and reworks, saving the client’s cost and the developer’s time.

Ending Note

A user story facilitates the development team and the app owner and creates a valuable product for the end-user. An app without a user story faces many complications in the development stage. At Teqnovos, we save our clients’ time and money by understanding app ideas through user stories. If you are interested in working with us, you can check out our portfolio or contact us for more information.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.