Is It a Good Idea to Outstaff Your Development Team
November 24, 2023

Is It a Good Idea to Outstaff Your Development Team?

Hiring remote developers through outstaffing has become a common practice for businesses across the globe today. It has significantly taken over the traditional hiring models and is encouraging business owners like you to outstaff your development team.

Every company wants the best team of IT specialists to meet their software development goals quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, not all businesses have the resources or the IT infrastructure to support a full-fledged development team. This is where outstaffing comes in.

Hiring a dedicated software development team through the outstaffing model is a good idea for any business. In this blog, we will take a closer look at why you should opt for outstaffing.

What is IT Outstaffing?

IT outstaffing is a highly sought-after hiring model that allows you to put together a remote on-demand software team. With outstaffing, you can hire the best developers from anywhere in the world to work alongside your in-house team on any given project.

You have to reach out to a reputed outstaffing company, share your requirements, and bring their development team on board. Moreover, if you outstaff your development team, you are also saving a great deal of money and valuable time which is the top benefit of outstaffing.

When you hire a team through this model, you don’t have to worry about employee benefits or any other costs. Just hire them based on your needs and pay a fixed amount as discussed. Lastly, hiring a comprehensive development team also saves time on hiring experts individually.

Why Should You Outstaff Your Development Team?

Outstaffing has changed the idea of remote hiring for the better. It has not only outdone the traditional hiring methods but also given businesses a chance to strengthen their development team effortlessly. However, it is natural to feel doubtful before deciding on outstaffing.

Therefore, to help you decide smartly, we have combined a list of the top five reasons to outstaff your development team. Go through them and make your decision wisely.

1. Access to Global IT Talent

When you decide to hire a development team through outstaffing, you choose developers from a global pool of IT talent. It means you don’t have to worry about the increasing shortage of IT specialists worldwide which makes finding local developers difficult.

Oustaffing eliminates any limitation there is on where you can hire an IT team. You can find and hire the best software development team from anywhere in the world to work on your project. This is a great way for business leaders to pick only the best team instead of compromising.

Not just this, hiring software developers or a team from a different country also helps you save money from your budget. You can do that by hiring an experienced development team from a country with comparatively lower labor costs.

2. Scale Your Workforce

One of the main reasons to outsaff your development team is the flexibility to scale your workforce. This is something that you don’t get with in-house hiring. When you hire developers to work with you from the same location, you cannot lay them off once a project is completed.

Outstaffing gives businesses a chance to scale their workforce up or down according to their requirements. In simple words, when you outstaff a development team, you don’t have to pay them a fixed salary every month. You can pause or end the contract depending on their need.

When you outstaff a development team based on their demand, you make it easier for yourself to manage your team. You won’t have to handle a full-fledged development team until and unless they are working on something to add value to your business in the long run.

3. Take Full Control of the Project

Just like outstaffing, outsourcing is also a popular remote hiring model that has been around for a while. So, as a naive employer, you might wonder why you should choose to outstaff your development team rather than outsource them. The reason behind this is simple.

In outsourcing, you don’t hire a development team to work with your in-house team. Instead, you hand over your project to an independent team with their manager to guide the project. This means that you don’t have complete control over the project like you would have wanted.

But with outstaffing, you get to hire development teams that will work under your supervision and in collaboration with your team. This lets you make the most of remote hiring without giving up control over your project.

4. Reduce Operational Costs

Along with streamlining your software development project, outstaffing your development team also helps you reduce overall operational costs. When you hire through outstaffing, you don’t have to worry about expenses associated with infrastructure, equipment, electricity, and more.

The outstaffing company you hire the development team from will deal with these expenses and more. You simply bring the team on board, collaborate with them remotely, and meet your project goals as desired. Moreover, outstaffing ensures budget-friendly IT staff augmentation.

It means that with outstaffing, businesses looking to expand their development team don’t have to worry about office space, internet, etc. They can augment their IT team as much as they want according to their business without having to spend excessively.

5. Launch Your Product Faster

On-site developers are often busy taking care of in-house activities, and thus cannot pay full attention to any new or ongoing project. This is where hiring dedicated developers from outstaffing comes in handy as these professionals fully commit themselves to a project.

Once you hire a developer or a development team and assign them a project, they will focus solely on that assignment. They are not distracted by any other activity and hence can fast-track the development process and project competition.

Therefore, it is a good idea to outstaff your development team if you want to launch your final product in the market faster. When you make your software available to the users quickly, you give your business a chance to reach more people and drive more sales.

Essential Tips to Outstaff Your Development Team

Here, we have mentioned four crucial tips that will help you outstaff your development team. Go through them to build your development team today.

1. Understand Your Requirements

Before reaching out to an outstaffing company to hire a development team, make sure you understand your requirements. Consider your business’s short and long-term business goals and how a remote development team can help you achieve them.

Once you understand what you want, and what resources you lack, you can shortlist the best outstaffed development teams to work with.

2. Shortlist the Best Outstaffing Companies

There are many reputed outstaffing companies for you to choose from. But after you list down your requirements, you can narrow down the search more effectively. Keeping your expectations in mind, shortlist the best outstaffing companies with an experienced IT team.

Further, you can reach out to each of these handpicked staffing companies to learn more about their services, charges, etc.

3. Conduct Interviews with Each Developer

Remember that you shouldn’t hire a development team based on the outstaffing company’s reputation. You must also consider their developer’s skills and capabilities that make them suitable for your project and business needs.

Therefore, make sure you conduct one-on-one interviews with each developer and determine whether or not they are technically qualified for your project.

4. Consider the Candidate’s Soft Skills

Along with technical proficiency, you should also pay attention to the remote team’s soft skills. Hire developers with good communication skills along with other qualities such as teamwork, time management, etc. These are important attributes to ensure seamless remote collaboration.

Good communication and effective teamwork allow businesses like you to make the most of remote working to add value to your business.

Bottom Line

As more businesses look to build a remote software development team, the more popular outstaffing hiring model becomes. Over the past few years, outstaffing has grown to be an immensely viable option when it comes to remote hiring.

This is why it is undoubtedly a good idea to outstaff your development team. It will help you save money, improve business productivity, fast-track project completion, and so much more. So, don’t wait any longer, and hire a reliable development team from Teqnovos now.

Teqnovos is a well-established outstaffing company with a team of highly skilled developers available for hire. Connect with us to discuss your project, and get a free quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is it a good idea to outstaff my development team?

There are many reasons that make outstaffing your development team a good business idea. But one of the prime reasons is how cost-effective it is. With outstaffing, you can cut down unwanted expenses associated with hiring and reduce everyday operational costs too. It allows you to work with some of the best IT professionals in the world without denting your pocket.

2. How do I manage an outstaffed team?

Whether you are working with a development team of 4 or 10 members, you must know how to effectively manage them. Well, the first thing that you must do is establish a clear communication channel to send instructions and receive feedback. Further, leverage the power of modern project management tools to assign tasks, track progress, and keep everyone in the loop. Lastly, the best way to manage an outstaffed team is to implement agile practices which lets you break the project into smaller phases.

3. How does IT outstaffing work?

The working mechanism of IT outstaffing is very simple. You hire software developers or an entire development team from an outstaffing company to work on a particular project or task. Depending on your requirements, you collaborate with the outstaffed professionals on a short or long-term basis. Once the work is done, you can lay them off and hire them again if needed in the future.

4. What makes outstaffing different from outsourcing?

Both outsourcing and outstaffing rely on handing over the software development project to outside IT specialists. However, what makes outstaffing different and better than outsourcing is the fact you still have full control over the project. In outsourcing, an outsourced development team will work on the project independently and come back to you with the desired results. Whereas, in outstaffing you hire a development team to work under you and carry forward the project as per your guidance. This additional benefit gives outstaffing an edge over outsourcing.

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