real estate app
February 4, 2021

Secrets to Help You Build a Real Estate App

The real estate sector is flooded with newer properties on sale every day, and it becomes a hassle for the buyer to reach out to authentic sellers. Most times, people tend to avoid giving commission to third-parties who take ownership of selling properties on their behalf. Thanks to digitalization, everything is at our fingertips, but the real estate sector lacks proper apps to deliver what the buyer and seller are looking for. If you are interested in maximizing your profit through online business, you can create a real estate app with our secret.

Secrets To Creating The Best Real Estate App

Although there are several real estate apps in the market, they lack robust features and functionalities you can target with your real estate app. Here are 4 secrets to creating the best real estate app to outmatch the competition.

1. Understand What Your User Segment

While you might have the best idea for a real estate app, it is highly unlikely to succeed if you don’t understand your user segment. Remember, you have 2 types of users: a seller and a buyer. Each of them should be able to switch roles with a single click. You should take hints from Fiverr, which supports this function and allows buyers and sellers to switch roles effortlessly with a unique dashboard.

2. Integrate AR (Augmented Reality) Walkthrough

Why just show pictures of real estate on your app when you can give your customers a virtual tour. Integrating AR technology can be your Universal Selling Proposition and encourage people to download your app. Integrating AR also provides more exposure to the real estate properties and creates a sense of being on-site. This feature might be the tipping scale you need for diverting traffic to your app during COVID-19.

3. Add a Map

It’s impossible to imagine a real estate app without a map these days. Featuring a map on your app provides loads of valuable information for the end-user. Showing property locations and displaying data and statistics concerning the surrounding areas can be a deal maker! You can also include near-by shops and other commercial stores.

However, if you truly want your real estate app to stand apart from others, include a navigation system as well. This feature will help users find the best route to the properties they’re interested in, minimizing delays and making it convenient for customers to reach their destination.

4. Property Cost Calculator

Don’t make your customers guess their property’s total price after insurance, mortgage costs, and other expenses. Instead, include a cost calculator in your app. You can hire the best mobile app development agency to tackle this obstacle and help your customers find a complete real estate solution from your app. Ensure the calculator breaks down the final cost into different sections to help app users build a better understanding of our cost calculator.

The Bottom Line

While most real estate apps have a one-dimensional approach, you can expand the horizon with your idea. Instead of selling properties, your app can become a community for real estate investment. You can link different people together who want to buy real estate for investment purposes. However, all of these ideas can only view reality with Teqnovos. Thanks to their tremendous experience in real-estate app development, you can expect your project to go smoothly without many intervals.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.