June 7, 2023

10 Key Benefits of Outstaffing for Companies

Businesses today are constantly battling to get an advantage over their competitors. Their focus is to deliver maximum value to customers while minimizing costs. However, doing so is easier said than done.

With the extensive adoption of IT by businesses in almost every industry, the need for IT experts is on the rise. The most obvious option for businesses to run their IT departments is to hire in-house employees. However, setting up a successful IT team requires time, money, and patience, which most businesses can’t afford. So, they move to the next best option – outstaffing.

With outstaffing, your business gets the advantage of hiring IT professionals with ease. Whether your intention is to build a development team or expand your existing IT team, outstaffing emerges as a great option. There are several benefits that your business enjoys with outstaffing, and we are going to share them with you in this blog post.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

A Quick Introduction to Outstaffing

Outstaffing is a hiring model that allows businesses to find skilled professionals for their IT or development teams. The most remarkable thing about outstaffing is that you get access to a pool of highly talented professionals without putting in any significant effort. In other words, you save yourself from a lengthy and expensive recruitment process while still being able to hire top talent.

Outstaffing is often confused with outsourcing, but both of them are different from one another. While outsourcing also lets you hire remote IT experts, the arrangement is project-based. When you outsource a development team, you hire them to work on a specific project. Once the project is delivered successfully, you part ways with the outsourced team.

On the other hand, outstaffing lets you hire full-time remote workers. You have the flexibility to involve them in one or more projects depending on your business’s needs. Additionally, you communicate and coordinate with outstaffed employees directly. There’s no project manager or project coordinator to facilitate collaboration between you and your remote team.

Outstaffing is more of a way to augment your staff and scale your business. Whereas, outsourcing allows you to get a project done by an external team with minimal supervision and intervention.

Now that you have developed a clear understanding of outstaffing and how it differs from outsourcing, let’s move ahead to discuss the key benefits of outstaffing.

Top 10 Benefits of Outstaffing

Businesses across the globe are opting for outstaffing due to the following benefits:

1. Effective Hiring Model

The increasing demand for IT professionals has made it challenging for businesses to find people with the right skills. Moreover, the shortage of tech workers in local markets is another roadblock to hiring the right talent at the right time. Outstaffing emerges as a powerful hiring model that eliminates geographical boundaries and allows businesses to hire the best talent from across the globe.

With outstaffing, there’s no need to go through a complex recruitment process. All you need to do is share the skills you are looking for with an outstaffing company and they’ll find the most suitable IT professionals.

2. Full-time Remote Workers

Outstaffing lets you hire remote workers who’ll be working dedicatedly for your business. This is different from how you work with freelancers. A freelancer may be working with multiple clients at the same time, which affects their efficiency.

When you outstaff IT experts for your businesses, they work with you like your in-house employees. They report directly to you and are answerable for their working hours. Moreover, you assign them tasks on a daily basis and monitor their progress.

3. Access to a Large Talent Pool

For SMBs, it’s really hard to find and hire top IT experts due to a limited recruitment budget. Especially, if there is fierce competition for highly skilled workers, large companies would offer better salaries and perks to hire the best of the best. Thus, forcing SMBs to settle for professionals with average skills.

Outstaffing lets businesses access a large talent pool and hire experts without the need to spend huge amounts of money. With IT professionals readily available, you can take on new projects and boost the growth of your business.

4. No Need to Train Employees

Employee training is crucial to building a strong workforce. However, training employees is difficult and time-consuming. Not only do you have to employ the best training methods but also make sure that your employees are ready to learn new skills. Moreover, high training costs and diverse learning styles make the idea of employee training unrealistic for many businesses.

Outstaffing eliminates the need for training your employees as you can easily find and hire employees with the skills that your business needs. Instead of putting effort and money into training employees, you can simply reach an outstaffing company and hire people with a specific skill set in a matter of a few days.

5. Reduced Operational Costs

Every business aims to reduce its operating expenses to increase profit margins. However, hiring more in-house employees increases the overall expenses of your business as you need to expand your office space, buy new hardware, and so on.

Outstaffing allows your business to save a significant amount of money. When you outstaff IT professionals, you only pay them salaries. You do not have to rent office space, arrange equipment, or offer any extra employee benefits because the outstaffing company will handle all of them.  Reduction in operational costs is among the top benefits of outstaffing that draws the interest of most businesses.

6. Easy to Scale Workforce

Team expansion is an important aspect of business growth. When a business grows, it needs more human resources to handle the additional workload. Similarly, when the business is going through difficult times, it may want to reduce the workforce to cut down expenses. With traditional recruitment, it’s not easy to hire professionals instantly. Additionally, firing employees to scale down the business operations is not viable as it affects the reputation of the business.

Outstaffing is an effective way to scale up or scale down your workforce. You can hire new members for your team quickly and dismiss them when you no longer need their services.

7. Full Control Over the Project

Having control over a project means that you can modify implementation strategies at your will and take full responsibility for the outcomes of the project. This is something that you’ll find missing in certain hiring models, especially outsourcing.

Outstaffing makes it possible to gain complete control over your projects. You only hire remote professionals and assign them tasks. They have to maintain the quality of deliverables and follow the process defined by you to accomplish project milestones.

8. More Time to Focus on Core Business Activities

Your in-house team may waste a lot of time when working on projects or activities that require special skills. Also, it will affect your team’s productivity and the quality of deliverables.

You outstaff IT professionals or developers to handle tasks that are beyond the expertise of your in-house team. You assign low-priority tasks to outstaffed employees so that your in-house team gets more time to work on the core activities of your business.

9. Launch Products Quickly

When it comes to software development, businesses aim to reduce the time-to-market (TTM) and launch products quickly. Having experienced developers in your IT team is a must to ensure faster development and delivery of software. 

Outstaffing gives you the opportunity to hire pre-vetted developers with specialized skills. You shortlist developers based on the skills that you need in your team. Moreover, outstaffing makes it easy to hire developers who have experience working with projects similar to yours. They leverage their past experience to finish your projects faster.

10. Suitable for Businesses of All Sizes

Having a strong IT team can be a game-changer for any business. An IT team is responsible for choosing the best technologies to streamline operations and speed up the growth of a business.

With outstaffing, businesses of all sizes can easily hire top talent and strengthen their IT departments. Also, whether you want to hire IT professionals to augment your existing IT team or build a new team, outstaffing makes a practical option.

How Does Outstaffing Work?

The process for outstaffing IT professionals is simple and consists of a few steps. However, the exact steps vary depending on the outstaffing company.

Initially, you need to identify your requirements, such as the skills you want in your team and the number of professionals you want to hire. After that, you need to find the top IT outstaffing companies and choose one among them.

To give you a better idea of how outstaffing works, we are sharing with you the 5 easy steps you follow when outstaffing from Teqnovos:

  • Share Your Staffing Requirements

The foremost thing you need to do is share your staffing requirements with us.

  • Get a List of the Most Suitable Candidates

We analyze your requirements and then search our extensive talent pool for candidates with the desired skill sets. We share a list of all the suitable candidates with you.

  • Interview and Finalized Candidates

You need to interview the candidates to assess their technical and interpersonal skills. Based on your assessment, you finalize and hire the candidates that best fit your requirements.

  • Sign a Contract and NDA

You sign a contract with Teqnovos along with a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to ensure the full confidentiality of the information you share with the remote professionals.

  • Start Assigning Tasks and Projects

You can assign tasks and projects to the hired resources according to your business’s requirements.


Outstaffing is a modern and effective way to bridge the IT talent gap. It allows businesses to find and hire the most talented professionals from across the globe.

Any business looking to hire IT professionals can opt for outstaffing and enjoy the benefits that come with it. Access to a massive talent pool, reduced operational costs, and quick scaling of the workforce are some of the advantages that you get with outstaffing.

If you are looking to hire talented IT professionals for your business effortlessly, you should opt for the world-class outstaffing services offered by Teqnovos.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.