Hiring Software Developers
April 8, 2024

Dos and Don’ts of Hiring Software Developers Through Outstaffing

Do you want to grow your business’s technical resources quickly and effectively? Perhaps outstaffing is an ideal option for you. It is a remote hiring model that continues to offer a convenient way for hiring software developers.

Many enterprises worldwide and across industries are opting for the outstaffing hiring model to build their IT teams. It is time-saving, budget-friendly, and, most importantly, helps business leaders find the most suitable software engineers for their projects.

However, if you are hiring software developers through outstaffing for the first time, there are certain dos and don’ts to follow. Learn all about them here and build your development team.

A Brief Introduction to Outstaffing

Before we dive into the dos and don’ts of hiring software developers, make sure you know what outstaffing services are. Outstaffing is a popular hiring model in which businesses can hire developers from across the globe to handle their projects remotely.

Outstaffing allows employers to look beyond their geographical area to find the best developers to work with. No matter where the IT professionals are from, outstaffing makes it possible to collaborate and work with them like a team.

Business owners opt for this model to augment their in-house development team without having to spend anything on operational costs. Outstaffed software developers work under their employer’s management on the assigned tasks but from a distant location.

Dos and Don’ts of Hiring Developers Through Outstaffing

There are many benefits to hiring software developers through outstaffing, but to make the most of them, make sure you first familiarize yourself with its dos and don’ts.

Here, we have listed four dos and don’ts of hiring software developers through outstaffing. Go through them and hire the best software developers today.


1. Define Your Project Requirements Precisely

Different businesses might have different expectations from an outstaffed team of software developers. Therefore, you should define your project requirements clearly before looking for the most ideal developers to work with. This will help you refine your search effectively.

Besides, sorting out your project details beforehand also allows you to see where you can make improvements. Once you know what you want, you can share your requirements with the potential developers, and ask for an estimated quote accordingly.

2. Consider the Specific Skills You are Looking for

The sooner you know your project requirements, the easier it will be to determine the specific skills you need. Make sure you analyze what programming skills you want for your software development project. Doing so will allow you to pick out the top developers accordingly.

Different projects might demand different skill sets, but thanks to outstaffing, you can hire developers based on your requirements. This is why you should know precisely what skills you want and start looking for expert developers whose profiles match your expectations.

3. Conduct Technical and Non-Technical Interviews

When you are hiring software developers through outstaffing, you must conduct both technical and non-technical interviews with the candidates. By assessing the technical capabilities of a developer, you will find it easier to decide how suitable they are for a particular role.

Similarly, the non-technical round will allow you to assess the developer’s soft skills, which is crucial for remote collaboration. Before hiring, you must determine whether the remote experts have good communication skills, time management abilities, and more.

4. Research the Outstaffing Company

With more outstaffing service providers making their way into the market, don’t forget to carefully research before choosing one. Your goal should be to hire developers from a reputed company with a proven track record and positive reviews from previous clients.

Once you know what you want, create a list of the top outstaffing companies. Further, you can shorten the list of companies based on their reputation, testimonials, and availability of resources. Then, reach out to the top agencies and interview their developers to hire.


1. Hire From a Company that Doesn’t Have Pre-Vetted Developers

One of the main reasons to hire software developers through outstaffing is to access pre-vetted developers. However, not all companies comprehensively vet software developers before hiring, which defeats the purpose of hiring through this model.

So, make sure you don’t hire software engineers from a provider who doesn’t have pre-vetted developers. As you shortlist the top companies to hire from, this should be the first criteria based on which you choose a provider. Eliminate all choices without pre-vetted developers.

2. Rush the Hiring Process

When hiring software developers through a remote hiring model, business leaders often want to hit the ground running quickly. As a result, they often rush through the hiring process, which could lead to poor hiring decisions. This is something you need to stay clear of.

Never rush the hiring process, and follow each step carefully, as one hasty decision could affect your business. Be patient enough to analyze all outstaffing companies and developers until you find the one that best suits your business goals and project needs.

3. Assume One Bad Client Review Means Poor-Quality Service

Checking previous clients’ reviews and ratings before opting for outstaffing services from a company is important. But don’t assume that one bad review means a service provider is not up to par. Remember that one or two bad client experiences can happen with any company.

So, don’t dismiss a possibly good option just like that. Meet with the candidates and learn what the client didn’t like. This will give you an idea of why they had those bad reviews. On the other hand, if a company has multiple bad reviews, then you can cut them from the list right away.

4. Run After the Cheapest Options Available

Another common mistake to avoid while hiring software developers through outstaffing is picking the cheapest option. Don’t be one of them, as cheap doesn’t always mean cost-effective. It could also mean poor-quality service, which could hamper your business in the future.

Your goal should be to hire an outstaffing company with world-class developers at competitive prices. Don’t hesitate to spend a little more than you planned to if you are getting high-quality service. Besides, hiring inexperienced developers cheaply might cause more complications.

Bottom Line

Hiring software developers through the outstaffing model can be challenging, especially for first-time recruiters. So, they need to know about the major dos and don’ts of hiring through this method. It will allow them to streamline their search and make wiser decisions.

Here, we talked about a handful of dos and don’ts that are important considerations for anyone hiring through outstaffing. Once you learn about them in-depth, you will also find it easier to know how to choose the best developers.

Now that you know the fundamentals of hiring software developers through outstaffing, build your remote development team with Teqnovos. We are an outstaffing service provider with an extensive team of pre-vetted software developers available for hire. Get in touch with us now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I hire software developers through outstaffing?

If you want to hire software developers through outstaffing, you must keep a few important things in mind. Firstly, make sure you find a reputed outstaffing company with top-class software developers to choose from. Further, ask for the developer’s work portfolio to get an idea of what type of work they have done before. After that, discuss the cost of hiring developers, interview potential candidates, and hire the ones who align with your business goals.

2. Why hire software developers through the outstaffing model?

There are many reasons to hire software developers through the outstaffing model. For example, hiring through outstaffing lets you find the best developers from anywhere in the world. Apart from this, outstaffing helps you save money on operational costs, employee benefits, etc. But the main reason to choose outstaffing is that it lets you establish full control over your remote developers. This is something that you don’t get with other remote hiring models.

3. What are the dos and don’ts of hiring developers through outstaffing?

To hire software developers through the outstaffing model effectively, you must first learn about some common dos and don’ts. For example, you must research the outstaffing company before hiring developers from them. Similarly, you should also define your project requirements on time to carry out your search productively. On the other hand, you shouldn’t hire from a company that doesn’t have pre-vetted developers. Lastly, don’t run after cheap options and instead look for experienced and skilled software developers.

4. How do I choose the best outstaffing company to hire developers from?

With the increasing number of outstaffing companies, it’s becoming difficult for businesses to find the right one for their company. This is why you must follow some basic guidelines that will help you shortlist the top outstaffing service providers. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Define your project goals so that you know what you are looking for.
  • Create a flexible budget as per your needs, and find a company accordingly.
  • Ask for portfolios, and check previous client testimonials before hiring.
  • Consider the company’s market reputation before deciding to hire them.
  • Conduct interviews with each company to learn what makes them ideal for you.

By keeping these simple tips in mind, you will find it easier to choose the best outstaffing company to hire developers.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.