Hire developers through outstaffing
October 11, 2023

Top 5 Skills to Consider When Hiring Developers Through Outstaffing

Hiring developers through remote hiring models like outstaffing is quite popular among businesses today. It allows business owners to carry out their development projects faster and achieve results efficiently. However, when it comes to picking the best remote developers to work with, many business owners often miss out on the trick. Therefore, if you are looking to hire skilled developers, ensure you know what to consider to make the right choice.

To choose top developers who add value to your business, you should be familiar with the skills that they must possess. In this blog, we will shed light on some of these skills that you should look for when hiring developers through outstaffing.

Introduction to Outstaffing

Outstaffing is one of the most sought-after hiring models, especially in the IT industry. It allows you to hire developers who will work with your in-house team. Outstaffing makes it easy to bridge the skill gap in your team by letting you hire developers from across the globe.

When you reach out to a reliable outstaffing company, they will provide you with the right IT resources as per your requirements. The best thing about outstaffing is the amount of time and money you save through it.

With outstaffing, you reduce your business’s operating costs. For instance, when you hire developers from outstaffing, you don’t have to spend money on office space, hardware, software, or even employee benefits. You simply have to hire developers and pay them for the work done.

Those who are not familiar with outstaffing usually confuse it with outsourcing, which is a similar hiring model. However, the main difference between outstaffing and outsourcing is that outstaffing allows you to manage remote developers directly, whereas, in outsourcing, an outside manager handles the developers.

5 Essential Skills to Look for When Hiring Developers

If you want to hire remote developers, you must know how to identify the best ones. Here we have listed the top five skills you must look for while hiring developers through outstaffing.

1. Communication Skills

One of the most essential skills to look for in a remote developer is good communication. Effective communication makes it easier to streamline collaboration, promote efficient workflow, and most importantly maintain cohesion with the remote team.

A good remote developer should be able to understand your requirements clearly and meet your expectations. Moreover, they must be open to communicating without hesitation with the remote team regarding project goals, challenges, and more. Now as far as assessing a candidate’s communication skills is concerned, you can do it during the interview process.

First up, you should consider their tone of voice and clarity of speech which are very important for effective communication. Additionally, determine whether they are comprehending your questions correctly and answering clearly. Their ability to understand you plays an important role in ensuring good communication.

2. Technical Proficiency

As you decide to hire developers through outstaffing, make sure you don’t forget to consider their technical proficiency. Look for skilled and experienced developers with expertise in different technologies. By doing so, you will be able to choose the best developers for your project.

After you get in touch with a reliable outstaffing company, ask them for a list of their top developers. Further, conduct one-on-one interviews with each developer. This will give you a chance to test the technical capabilities of the developers before hiring them.

It’s essential that you test the technical abilities of the potential candidates and then hire them. This way you will be completely sure that you hired the right person.

3. Adaptable to Changes

The business world today is changing constantly. Therefore, as your business expands, you need to hire flexible developers to help you cope with the changing demands. For that, you first have to find remote developers who can adapt to changes.

As current technologies continue to update, developers need to enhance their skill sets to deliver the best services. Besides, if you want to hire developers for the long term, you need someone who adapts to the changes easily.

While you interview the shortlisted developers, you can ask them questions related to adaptability. For example, ask them about what new skills they learned recently or what challenges they face when working on a new project, etc. This way you will get a better idea of a particular candidate’s ability to adapt.

4. Ability to Work Together

When you hire remote developers, their ability to work together plays a significant role in ensuring a project’s success. It is so because better teamwork means fewer disruptions and faster project completion. Moreover, effective collaboration fosters a trusting relationship between them and your in-house team.

You should hire skilled developers who are good team players too. They should value other people’s ideas and suggestions, and be keen to work as a team to achieve maximum efficiency.

While interviewing a candidate, ask them how they feel about working in a team. You can also ask if they would prefer to work independently. Depending on their answer, you will get an idea of how comfortable they are to collaborate with your in-house team.

5. Time Management

Apart from having technical knowledge and abundant experience, you must hire someone with good time management skills. It is so because development projects take time. That’s why your goal should be to hire developers with a keen sense of time management.

The ability to measure the time required to complete a task and deliver results accordingly is crucial for a remote developer. The best developers follow effective time management techniques that make it easier for them to divide tasks and get things done on time.

To assess a developer’s time management skills, you should ask them a few open-ended questions. These questions could be about how they divide their tasks for a day, how they manage pending tasks, etc.

To Sum It Up

The growing popularity of remote hiring has led to a rise in the number of outstaffing service providers in the market. To hire the best outstaffing professionals, you should become familiar with the top skills that remote developers possess.

Although different developers might have different skill sets, there are certain qualities that every one of them must have. For example, remote developers should be good at communication, and time management. You need to set recruitment standards according to these skills so that you hire developers through outstaffing who will make remote collaboration fruitful for you.

Teqnovos is a well-known outstaffing company that lets you hire skilled developers to meet your development goals faster and more efficiently. No matter which industry your business is in, we provide the best resources for your needs. Reach out to us for a free consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What to look for when hiring developers through outstaffing?

When hiring developers through outstaffing, you must consider a few important things. First of all, make sure you are hiring developers with the technical expertise that you need. Further, since these developers will be working remotely, they should have strong communication skills and be able to collaborate with your existing team on any project as required,

2. Why hire expert developers from an outstaffing company?

Hiring top developers to work with you remotely can be a bit challenging. But with outstaffing, you make this process simple and result-driven. When you reach out to a reputed outstaffing company, you will have access to a pool of IT talent. You can take your time and choose only the best candidates who fit perfectly with your needs. On top of that, hiring through outstaffing lets you establish full control over remote developers. This is something that you won’t get in other hiring models like outsourcing.

3. What are the benefits of hiring remote developers?

The global shortage of IT professionals is making it harder for businesses to find the best developers locally. Fortunately, remote hiring makes it easier for businesses to extend their search and hire developers from across the globe. Besides, hiring remote developers is also a great way to save on operational costs like infrastructure. You will simply hire developers based on your requirements, and pay them for the work done with no additional costs.

4. How to manage remote developers?

Good communication is the key to managing a team of remote developers successfully. When you communicate regularly and clearly with your team, it becomes easier for them to understand your vision. Along with good communication, you should create proper work schedules and discuss them with your team in advance. This way you will avoid any confusion in the work plan and ensure that everybody is on the same page.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.