IT Nearshoring
September 22, 2023

What is IT Nearshoring? Does Your Business Need it?

In today’s competitive landscape, the scarcity of IT talent is a pressing concern for companies worldwide. As this gap continues to widen, organizations are actively seeking innovative hiring solutions to bolster their technological capabilities.

One such transformative strategy gaining traction is IT nearshoring. This approach allows businesses to harness the expertise of skilled developers from neighboring countries, providing a practical solution to the talent shortage.

In this blog, we delve deep into the intricacies of IT nearshoring, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions for your business. Embrace this dynamic hiring strategy and unlock your company’s growth potential with Teqnovos.

What is IT Nearshoring?

IT nearshoring is similar to offshoring. Unlike offshoring, nearshoring involves entrusting your development projects to a company or hiring developers located in a neighboring country.

Let’s illustrate this with an example: If your company is based in the UAE, nearshoring would entail collaborating with developers from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, India, and other nearby nations. The beauty of nearshoring lies in its ability to circumvent the common hurdles associated with remote team acquisition. Time zone disparities and language barriers, often encountered in traditional remote setups, become non-issues with nearshoring.

IT Nearshoring Vs. Offshoring: What to Know?

As nearshoring and offshoring are two similar hiring strategies, many business leaders find it difficult to differentiate between the two. If you are facing the same problem, let us help you clear your doubts once and for all.

The major point of difference between IT nearshoring and offshoring is the location of the remote developers. In offshoring, you hire developers from a country that is geographically distant from your company.

Whereas, in nearshoring, the remote developers are in close proximity to your company. These developers are situated in neighboring countries and share similar languages and cultures, which fosters a more seamless collaboration.

If we compare the two strategies, offshoring is more prone to workflow interruptions due to the time zone difference. By choosing nearshore, you can maintain a smooth workflow as you can connect with the developers in real time.

5 Reasons You Need IT Nearshoring for Your Business

You are probably wondering why you should choose IT nearshoring when there are other options to hire remote developers.

Well, nearshoring has some additional advantages that will benefit your business in the long run. Here are five reasons to go for IT nearshoring.

1. Eliminate Cultural and Communication Barriers

IT nearshoring allows you to hire specialists with similar cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It means there won’t be any misunderstandings on the grounds of language between you and the remote workers. As both sides usually speak similar languages, communication flows effortlessly. This dynamic ensures a harmonious and effective working relationship.

When you hire remote developers from distant locations, the language differences will affect collaboration and make it challenging to streamline processes. By opting for the nearshoring hiring strategy, you eliminate the language barrier and streamline workflow effortlessly.

In nearshoring, both employers and remote employees find it easier to blend well with each other. Therefore, you can save time and get started on the project as soon as you hire remote developers.

2. Avoid Time Zone Differences

Usually, when you hire a remote developer from another country, you have to deal with the time zone differences. Sometimes, this difference can be as long as 12 hours, depending on how far away the remote developers are located from your region. Therefore, it can be tough to discuss the work in real-time with remote workers.

With IT nearshoring, you don’t have to worry about time zone differences. As you hire remote developers from a neighboring country, you can work effortlessly in sync. This model makes it easier for you to conduct meetings, set deadlines, engage in conversations, etc. with remote workers. It is a great remote hiring strategy for newly established companies as they will need to have more frequent discussions with their teams.

3. Carry Out Development Projects Cost-Effectively

Cost reduction is among the top reasons why you should choose nearshore IT services. Through nearshoring, you can hire the most experienced developers without having to pay them extremely high salaries. You must do thorough research on nearshoring companies in neighboring countries. You can shortlist the countries where the cost of IT services and labor prices are relatively low.

Along with low labor costs, you can also save money on the conventional recruiting processes. You can hire the best developers to work with your team without worrying about additional costs. For example, you don’t have to pay taxes, invest in employee benefits, etc. The company you decide to hire will be responsible for taking care of these expenses, you can just get the work done.

4. Better Control Over the Remote Team

Hiring remote developers from another side of the world means you can easily lose control over the business processes. It generally happens due to the language barrier and the time difference. You will have to try harder to communicate your message to the remote workers. Also, it will be difficult for you to reach out to developers in real time.

IT nearshoring is the perfect solution to this problem as it allows you to have better control. You can easily communicate with the hired remote developers, and do it whenever you want to. Additionally, this hiring model makes it convenient for you to set goals, and make sure everybody is on the same page. Having better control over your development projects leads to increased efficiency and better results.

5. Access to a Great Pool of Talent

IT nearshoring lets you choose from a large pool of talent. Moreover, opting for nearshore development gives you better control over remote talent. When you decide to nearshore your development projects, you expand your search for remote developers to nearby countries.

Make sure you identify the skill gaps in your team to hire the most ideal remote employees. You can have the best developers from another country actively working on your development project. IT nearshoring is also a great way to prevent tech talent shortage from affecting your business.

Benefits of IT Nearshoring Through Outstaffing

When nearshoring your development project, you may get confused about whether to hire an outstaffing company or an outsourcing company. While both models have their benefits, outstaffing might be the ideal choice for nearshoring.

IT outstaffing lets you make remote developers a part of your team instead of giving away the entire project. This way, you can oversee the work and guide the professionals as you want. With outstaffing, you can truly reap the benefits of IT nearshoring.

In nearshoring through outstaffing, the remote developers will have almost the same working hours as yours. Thus, you can easily guide them, share feedback, and discuss projects.

Wrapping Up

IT Nearshoring is a fast-growing remote hiring strategy that is catching the attention of many companies, all thanks to its extensive range of benefits discussed above. In this, you can hire remote developers from a nearby country without facing significant cultural and language barriers.

Businesses that need IT specialists for a development project, choose nearshoring because it is hassle-free and time-saving. In this remote hiring strategy, business leaders no longer have to worry about time zone differences. On top of that, they can effectively communicate with the team since they generally speak the same language.

Teqnovos is an experienced outstaffing company with a talented team of developers. Reach out to us for IT nearshoring and let’s get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is IT nearshoring?

IT nearshoring is transferring a company’s development projects to remote developers in a neighboring country. It is quite similar to offshoring but differs in terms of the developer’s location. In this model, business owners hire developers from countries that usually share a border with the country where their company is located.

2. IT Nearshoring Vs. Offshoring: What’s the difference?

In IT nearshoring, companies hire remote developers from a nearby country. Whereas, in offshoring, the remote developers are located on the other side of the world. Offshoring hiring strategy could lead to challenges such as language barriers, time zone differences, etc. You can eliminate these challenges by opting for IT nearshoring.

3. What is an example of IT nearshoring?

Let’s say your company is located in Dubai, and you want to hire remote developers for a project. Nearshoring will be when you hire developers from India. Since the language and cultural aspects of these countries have some similarities, it will be easier for you to hire remote developers who seamlessly collaborate with your in-house team.

4. What is the purpose of IT nearshoring?

The prime purpose of IT nearshoring is to help businesses improve the quality of their deliverables and cut down development costs.

Let’s take your business to the next level with our development masterminds.